Property:Project Omschrijving

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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Gesorteerde componenten en projectopslag thuis  +
For RhoCoCo I needed two PCBs, a 10 x 10cm dual sided "motherboard" PCB, and a 18.5 cm x 10 cm single sided keyboard PCB. These are my experiences with the ordering process.  +
A new addition to my collection, to cleanup and get working  +
For the commodore PET 4032 I donated to the NVGM (Nationale Video Game museum in Zoetermeer) I am attempting to find a way to play a game.  +
for my museum PET (CBM4032) I wanted to use a PET2SD floppy disk emulator, but I discovered that due to the fact that this PET has the original BASIC (rev 1,0) it doesn't support diskdrives, it doesn't have IEEE drivers, so I switched to my CBM8032 which does, but due to it 80-kolumn screen there are almost no kames working on a CBM8032! at the moment the PET in the national video game museum in Zoetermeer is the ZX-81 game that was ported to the PET in 2021. it can be loaded from the PET2SD using the load"*",8 command. the other working game is a frogger clone. I decided to solve this conundrum by building a version of the casduino into a defective datasette. I found a fritzing diagram of a sd card reader for a CBM cassettedeck asa starter, together with the schematic of my previous TZXDuino Pico.  +
Samen een paar vierkante meters huren!  +
hoe meer elektromagnetische velden, hoe meer vreugd  +
Een printer, maar dan voor pasjes  +
I found an old RC car, and upgraded almost every component.  +
Personal seal that could be medieval  +
RevGym Tafeltennis  +
A decorative RGB light for $sibling who's a Lego fan  +
A do-it-myself modular synthesizer  +
Small plant incubator made from existing computer case  +
test inductors to find their saturation current and inductance-current characteristic.  +
Shows mix of dutch electrical power generation as a pie chart on a LED ring  +
Een ESP om de S0 outputs van onze verbruiksmeters uit te lezen.  +
More like Power...BANG! amirite  +
PC-98 hardware en software analyse for fun en profit  +
Voorstel voor een freesmachine  +