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1. What is it

POV is the (virtual) server managing the Webcams. It stores video files of all RevSpace webcams over the last 2 days.

2. OS specifications

  • debian stretch
  • 32b
  • virtual machine with 2 cores
  • 1GB ram
  • 10GB root filesystem
  • 100GB storage for camera files

3. Software

3.1. Motion

  • motion is installed from the debian repository
  • configuration files are under /etc/motion
  • main configuration is motion.conf which includes cam*.conf
  • as by the design of motion, all configured cameras (6 + 11) are monitored from 1 process

3.2. Constatus

  • installed from the github repository https://github.com/flok99/constatus
  • installed under /usr/local/constatus
  • started (currently, 20170903) from /etc/rc.local
  • each camera has its own constatus process - the idea is that if something crashes, that not all cameras will go down this is since 2.0 no longer the case; it seldomly (if ever?) crashes anyway
  • video archive can be viewed under where port is 8101 for camera 1, 8102 for camera 2 and so on

The configuration files are JSONfile is a libconfig++ file.

For revspace:

  • general section: logfile is located in the /usr/local/constatus directory and loglevel set to info
  • source: max-fps set as low as possible (must be high enough for all "users")
  • always resizing to 640x480, ignoring aspect ratio
  • for mjpeg sources, it is chosen to always ignore issues with ssl certificates
  • http-server: one server is initiated per camera and there's also a global http-server
    • first server is for motion compatibility: it pushes mjpeg-data without any http handshake whatsoever (apart from the http headers). framerate set to 2fps.
    • second server serves an html menu with a couple of options. it allows you to browser through the recorded videos. framerate set to 1fps.
  • stream-to-disk: only 1 file (currently). avi-container with mjpeg frames. jpeg quality set to 50, frame rate set to 1 fps
  • no motion detection
  • cam5 is mirrored in both axes as it has been mounted upside down
  • every camera adds a text in the upper left corner with the camera-number in it and in the lower-right corner the timestamp of the moment that the frame was recorded(!)

4. Recording Specifications

  • 1 FPS video files
  • 2 FPS HTTP streaming web interface
  • each webcam produces +/- 50MB of data on /camdata per half hour, so that's +/- 50 * 2 * 24 * 10 = 24GB/day and as /camdata is 100GB we can store around 4 days of video data

5. Cameras

Number Stream port HTML port Physical device protocol Where
CAM 1 8084 8101 RTSP hanging above the 3D printer
CAM 2 8085 8102 MJPEG cantina/kitchen
CAM 3 8086 8103 MJPEG back side of klusruimte
CAM 4 8087 8104 MJPEG front side of klusruimte
CAM 5 8088 8105 RTSP houtbewerkingsruimte (woodworking shop)
CAM 6 broken
CAM 7 8090 8107 MJPEG, source is Verint Nextiva these produce an RTP stream which are converted to MJPEG by scripting running on the shell server, see https://github.com/Peetz0r/revcaminfra.
CAM 8 8091 8108
CAM 9 8092 8109
CAM 10 8093 8110
CAM 11 These go to eleven?! (this camera doesn't actually exist yet)