What is this
This is a Java application that sends airborne particulate matter measurement data from TheThingsNetwork and forwards it to (formerly Luftdaten).
It is used in combination with my LoraWanDustSensor: the sensor sends measurement data to TheThingsNetwork, this application picks up the data from TheThingsNetwork and forwards it to and to
You need the following:
- a server that is always on and connected to the internet, can be Linux or Windows
- a Java installation (JDK to compile), at least version 8
- some configuration on TheThingsNetwork side
- some configuration of my application (YAML file)
To compile the software:
- clone the software from my github archive
git clone
- enter the LoraLuftdatenForwarder/gradle directory
cd LoraLuftdatenForwarder/gradle
- run the gradle script to build the software
./gradlew assemble
- the application zip is now available in LoraLuftdatenForwarder/LoraLuftdatenForwarder/build/distributions
To update to the latest version:
- Update software from github archive:
git pull
- perform the steps above again
Unzip the distribution file somewhere on your system. I put it in my home directory, for example
cd tar xvf code/LoraLuftdatenForwarder/LoraLuftdatenForwarder/build/distributions/LoraLuftdatenForwarder.tar
Device side
The particulate matter measurement device needs to send data in the Cayenne format. I used the following conventions:
- PM10 is encoded as analog value on channel 1
- PM2.5 is encoded as analog value on channel 2
- PM1.0 is encoded as analog value on channel 0 (optional)
- Temperature is encoded using standard Cayenne encoding (optional)
- Humidity is encoded using standard Cayenne encoding (optional)
- Barometric pressure is encoded using standard Cayenne encoding (optional)
You need to define an 'application' on TheTheThingsNetwork.
- Go the TTN console: and log in
- You need an 'application', create a new one, or use an existing one
- Within the application, ou need a 'device', create a new one, or use an existing one:
- Use the application keys as specified in my [[1]] page
- Enter the device EUI as displayed on the display
- You need an API key
- Create this on the TTN console, for now just create a key that grants all rights
- NOTE: you have only one chance to copy this key somewhere, so copy/paste it locally to a text file or something
This application
To configure the application:
- Start the application without a configuration file, this will create a default template, stop the application again
cd LoraLuftdatenForwarder bin/LoraLuftdatenForwarder (ctrl-C)
- Edit the loraluftdatenforwarder.yaml file
- Go to and log in
- Register a node with id 'TTN-<device-EUI-as-shown-on-display>'
- Register it with the proper configuration, e.g. SDS011 with BME280
- Create a node with the proper configuration
- Copy the opensensenmap 'box id'
- Add an attribute in the TTN console:
- Go to the TTN console, General settings of the device
- Add attribute, name = 'opensense-id', value = box id that you just copied
- The boxid should be picked up automatically by the forwarder, within an hour