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Project StofAnanas
Showing particulate matter concentration as a coloured light
Status In progress
Contact bertrik
Last Update 2019-06-18

The idea

Show current airborne particulate matter concentration using a LED light in a lamp, inspired by The data that the LED colour is based on is simply retrieved over WiFi from the luftdaten website.

This lamp is a plastic pine apple ("ananas"), bought at the "Action" store.


  • The lamp shows particulate matter concentration as a colour, from light blue for low concentration and bright pink for high concentration
  • The lamp retrieves the PM value over wifi from the the luftdaten website
  • The luftdaten measurement station can be entered at the same time as when wifi credentials are entered.

Ideas/nice to have:

  • The lamp "breathes" by varying the intensity over time, e.g. a cycle of 10 seconds where the light dims a bit and brightens a bit. Perhaps increase the breathing rate for higher PM.
  • Automatic determination of location by means of wifi location
  • Remote control over IR
  • Use HSV/HSL colour model internally (instead of RGB)

Operation Manual



  • connect everything up as indicated under 'hardware' and connect the Wemos D1 board to the USB port of your development PC / laptop
  • flash the software into the Wemos D1 mini, typically from the command line using platformio:
 pio run -t upload


  • on find the particulate matter station you want to follow and note the number of the station, for example "12246"
  • on a mobile phone, connect to the "ESP-STOFANANAS" network, and select login
  • when presented with the captive portal, select a WiFi network, fill in the WiFi password, AND ALSO fill in the number you looked up earlier, press SAVE
  • NOTE: when the configuration is ongoing, the LED will be YELLOW, it turns OFF when configuration is done.


  • Turn on the light while in range of the WiFi network you configured
  • The LED should start yellow (connecting to the WiFi), then briefly change to OFF, then change to the final colour
  • A new PM measurement is retrieved every minute.



The lamp is controlled by an ESP8266, a Wemos D1 mini board. The LEDs is an RGB LED with built-in PL9823 controller.

Connections (using dupont female-female):

  • LED Din to Wemos D1 mini pin D3
  • LED Gnd to Wemos D1 mini pin GND
  • LED Vdd to Wemos D1 mini pin 5V


Software is available on github.

Luftdaten interface

The current measurement value of a particular sensor can be determined by parsing the JSON messages retrieved over a REST interface, by performing an HTTP GET on URL<sensor-id>/

where <sensor-id> is the database id used by luftdaten (and visible on their map). The trailing slash in the URL is significant.

For example:

The software looks for the "P1" (PM10) sensor value in the JSON message and averages all measurements it finds (usually the current one and a previous one).

Arduino libraries


  • WiFiManager is used to manage WiFi connection to the local AP
  • ArduinoJSON for the parsing the luftdaten response
  • FastLED is used to control the LED