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Starting on February 23th, !RevSpace will be hosting a monthly coders night! Every last Wednesday of the month, an expert, evangelist or avid user gives a crash course in his language of choice. You'll be introduced to the language's core concepts, syntax and semantics. It's aimed at people who are interested in programming, and already have a (very) basic knowledge of programming. Languages like C, Perl, Python and a lot more will be explained to anyone who's interested (non-members also!).

The length of each presentation will be around 2 hours, starting at 8 o'clock PM. As said before the kickoff will be February 23th, with gmc hosting a crash course about the language C. For the full list of programming languages and when it'll be given, see [http our Coders Night page].

We're still searching for people who want to give a course in a certain language, which languages can also be found on the above wiki page.

I hope to see you on this great opportunity to broaden your skills!