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Event Metameet
Name Metameet

Duration 25 May 2010 - 25 May 2010

* Location: RevSpace
* Open from: 20:00

1. Meta meeting - May 25th, 2010

Date: May 25th, 2010 %BR% Time: 19:00 - 22:00 %BR% Where: Revelation Space, Binckhorstlaan 172, Den Haag

1.1. On the agenda


Or: what the hell do we have, where is it, how do we store it effectively and how do we keep track of it??

1.2. /join && /part

Probably very incomplete list of attendants:

| *Who* | */join* or */part* | *Food* | *AOB* | | gmc | /join | we'll see | .. | | ... | ... | ... | ... |

1.3. Decisions

  • Cinder will make a 'corvee' list, people can note down what/when they have done
  • Juerd will hunt for storage boxes and can buy them for ~75 euro's
  • FooBar will arrange storage racks (5x25 euro)
  • Juerd will arrange paper towels + dispenser to replace the very dirty cotton towel system we currently have, ~40 euro's all in all