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1. Project "IRRemotes":

Project Luteijn/IRRemotes
I.R. Baboon 301-1-.png
Status In progress
Contact Luteijn
Last Update 2021-10-30

Controlling things with an IR Remote is fun. Here's what some of my remotes send out, for easy (re)use in projects with an IR Receiver. Sniffed the codes with a Vortex robot, made up the names in the tables myself.

1.1. RC6 'windows' remote

This sends 36-bit RC6 codes. They all seem to be of the form 0xC8034x4hl. The leading C doesn't show with my current decoder of choice, or isn't really there. The x is either 8 or 0, flipping for each key pressed, so you can distinguish between a key being held or pushed twice in a row. The h and l indicate the variable bits in the code sent, the tables below give a name to each of these.

For this first table, the order is a left to right, top to bottom scan of the remote, treating the volume and channel + - as one, rocker, button.

RC6 'windows'
Code Label Code Label Code Label Code Label Code Label Code Label
0C power 30 pause 37 record 31 stop 29 reverse 2C play
28 forwards 21 previous 20 next 83 back CB info 58 up
5A left 5C ok 5B right 59 down 10 vol+ 11 vol-
5D logo 1E ch+ 1F ch- 0D mute 9B tvrecord 3E tvguide
2E tvplay 54 disc 01 1 02 2 03 3 04 4
05 5 06 6 07 7 08 8 09 9 33 *
00 0 32 # 3A clear 2F teletext 34 enter 6D red
6E green 6F yellow 70 blue

The next table is sorted by in the code order:

RC6 'windows'
Code Label Code Label Code Label Code Label Code Label Code Label
00 0 01 1 02 2 03 3 04 4 05 5
06 6 07 7 08 8 09 9 0C power 0D mute
10 vol+ 11 vol- 1E ch+ 1F ch- 20 next 21 previous
28 forwards 29 reverse 2C play 2E tvplay 2F teletext 30 pause
31 stop 32 # 33 * 34 enter 37 record 3A clear
3E tvguide 54 disc 58 up 59 down 5A left 5B right
5C ok 5D logo 6D red 6E green 6F yellow 70 blue
83 back 9B tvrecord CB info

1.2. RTeL-Cheapo remote

This El-Cheapo remote came with one of my RTL-dongles. Decodes as an NEC-code, sending a '32-bit' code when a key is pressed, followed by a 0-bit code as long as the key is held. Only the lowest 16 bits seem to change. The keypad is a 3x67 matrix

Code Label Code Label Code Label
FFB24D power FF2AD5 source FF6897 mute
FF32CD record FFA05F ch+ FF30CF time shift
FF50AF vol- FF02FD full screen FF7887 vol+
FF48B7 0 FF40BF ch- FF38C7 recall
FF906F 1 FFB847 2 FFF807 3
FFB04F 4 FF9867 5 FFD827 6
FF8877 7 FFA857 8 FFE817 9

1.3. Shinco RC-1606

This remote came with our Chinese DVD player many of the key labels are in Chinese. Decodes as an NEC-code, and like the RTeL-Cheapo remote it will send a '32-bit' code when a key is first pressed, and then a 0-bit code as long as it is held. Only the lowest 16 bits seem to change. The basic layout is 4 buttons per row, but the central bit is 3 rows of 3 slightly larger buttons.

Shinco RC-160S
Code Label Code Label Code Label Code Label
99728D screen display 9938C7 power
996A95 subtitles 99CA35 language 9918E7 channel 992AD5 point of
99807F repeat 99D02F pause 9900FF play mode 9942BD progressive/interlaced
99B24D set 99E01F title 9930CF menu 9950AF return
997887 previous 993AC5 up 99DA25 next
997A85 left 9928D7 play 99FA05 right
99708F reverse 99BA45 down 9968A7 forward
99F00F stop 99C837 pause 99EA15 step 99A05F time search
99906F 1 99B847 2 99F807 3 99F20D +5
99B04F 4 999867 5 9948B7 0 99609F mute
9902FD standard 9940BF bookmark 99E21D V- 9912ED V+

1.4. Xtreamer

This remote came with my 'Xtreamer'; many of the keys have more than one label, as they are used differently depending on context. Decodes as an NEC-code, and like the RTeL-Cheapo remote it will send a '32-bit' code when a key is first pressed, and then a 0-bit code as long as it is held. Only the lowest 16 bits seem to change. The basic layout is 3 buttons per row.

Code Label Code Label Code Label
FF20DF power FFDA25 home
FFA25D 1 / add / red FFE817 1 / eject / green FF48B7 3 / delete / yellow
FFF20D 4 / zoom FFC03F 5 / goto / blue FF906F 6 / menu
FF38C7 7 / setup FF4CB3 8 / func FF9867 9 / tvout
FF5AA5 info FF8C73 0 / preview FF50AF return
FF728D up
FF30CF left FF609F enter FFA05F right
FFB24D down
FF1AE5 previous / pgup FF0AF5 next / pgdn
FF32CD pause/play FF7887 stop
FF3AC5 reverse FFD22D forwards FF18E7 vol+
FF708F audio FF00FF A-B FF827D vol-
FFCC33 shuffle FF08F7 repeat FF58A7 mute
FFF00F subtitle FF807F sync subtitle << FF12ED sync subtitle >>

1.5. Amoi RC305T

This remote came with my 37 inch LCD tv; some of the keys have more than one label, as they are used differently depending on context. Decodes as an NEC-code, and like the RTeL-Cheapo remote it will send a '32-bit' code when a key is first pressed, and then a 0-bit code as long as it is held. Only the lowest 16 bits seem to change. The basic layout is 4 buttons per row. Some of the number keys are not responding well anymore, graphite pads seem to bee depleted. with the remote opened, they could be activated, and it was also clear there is an extra row of keys that have no external buttons connected to them. controlelr chip of the remote is a PT2222, datasheet at tells us this is pin-to-pin compatible with NEC μPD6122.

Amoi RC305T
Code Label Code Label Code Label Code Label
40BD02FD power
40BD708F source 40BD728D sub source 40BDF20D last source 40BD827D mute
40BDC23D freeze 40BD8A75 aspect 40BD629D sleep 40BD50AF display
40BD6A95 video off 40BDAA55 swap 40BD926D pip/pbp 40BD2AD5 pop
40BD42BD picture 40BDE21D sound 40BDEA15 headphone - 40BD1AE5 headphone +
40BD807F 1 / symbol 40BD40BF 2 / abc 40BDC03F 3 / def 40BDD02F dual
40BD20DF 4 / ghi 40BDA05F 5 / jkl 40BD609F 6 / mno 40BDB04F swap
40BDE01F 7 / pqrs 40BD10EF 8 / tuv 40BD906F 9 / wxyz 40BD00FF 0 / space
40BDE817 volume + 40BD30CF list 40BD22DD page >> 40BD6897 ch +
40BDA857 volume - 40BD28D7 menu 40BDA25D page << 40BD18E7 ch -
40BDC837 up / teletext next subpage
40BD08F7 left 40BD9867 ok / teletext info 40BD48B7 right
40BD8877 down / teletext previous subpage
40BD12ED play / pause / teletext x 40BDB24D stop / teletext zoom upper 40BD52AD digest / teletext zoom lower 40BDF00F exit
40BD9A65 zoom / teletext no zoom 40BDD22D rotate / teletext hold 40BD32CD function / teletext reveal 40BD0AF5 txt / mix / teletext
40BD4AB5 red 40BDCA35 green 40BD5AA5 yellow 40BDDA25 blue
40BD3AC5 no button 1 40BDBA45 no button 2 40BD7A85 no button 3 40BDFA05 no button 4

1.6. Onkyo RC-342M

This remote came with an Onkyo Receiver. Has a switch to switch (some) of the keys to a sub-room setting, and ten programmable keys to try to help to reduce remote-clutter. This also decodes as NEC, and sends a 32-bit code for the first press, and then 0-bit codes to signal the same key is still down. As usual only the lower 4 bits seem to be variable.

Onkyo RC-342M (WIP)
Code Label Code Label Code Label Code Label Code Label
4BB620DF power 4BB6BA45 sleep 4BB6A956 dimmer 4BB69A65 main 4BB65AA5 remote
4BB6F00F video-1 4BB6708F video-2 4BB6B04F video-3 4BB6F906 video-4 4B3620DF multi-ch input

1.7. CL-200T

This remote came with our motorized curtain rails. This decodes as 'unknown'. it has 8 'channel' buttons, that only send a code once, even if held down. Seems to be a kind of 'attention, next messages are for you'-function, as the actual codes sent by the 'action' button don't seem to vary. There is an open, close and a pair of stop buttons. The stop buttons spam the same command when held, as a kind of panic mode :).

Code seems 12 bits of code, e.g.:

Raw (24): 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 1200 -450 400 -1250 450 -1250 1200 -450 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1300 400
     0   0   0   1   0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0
Raw (24): 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 1250 -400 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 1250 -450 400 -1250 450 -1250 400 -1250 400
     0   0   0   1   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   0
Raw (24): 400 -1250 400 -1300 400 -1250 400 -1250 1250 -450 400 -1250 1250 -400 450 -1250 400 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 400
     0   0   0   0   1   0   1   0   0   0   0   0

Some of this could be lead in and lead out...

Code Label Code Label Code Label Code Label

1.8. Philips RC 240

An RC5 Remote of unknown origin, likely scavenged from trash. Decodes as RC5, 12 bits. MSB is the repeat toggle (so 47f and c7f are the same key). This remote seems funny as it has a bit of state, there are 6 device selection buttons that send their own code, but also change the code send by some of the other keys. The table only lists the codes without the highest bit set.

Philips RC 240
Label Code Code Code Code Code Code
Device 47F 53F 4BF 3F 33F 17F
0 440 500 480 0 300 140
1 441 501 481 1 301 141
... ... ... ... ... ...
9 449 409 489 9 309 149
memo 469 529 4A9 F 321 14F
clear 44A 53A 4AB A 33A 14A
VOL. ↑
VOL. ↓

1.9. Tt buddy v300

Remote looks and feels very much like the RTeLCheapo thing, just different buttons are made active/present. Codes are similar with some overlap: repeat presses are 0bits/FFFFFFFF again, as per the ElCheapo Remote

Tt buddy v300
Label Code
power FF906F
play/pause FFB847
F- FF9867
F+ FFA857
O- FFE817
B+ FF58A7