38C3 Tickets

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Project 38C3 Tickets
Status Initializing
Contact Board
Last Update 2024-11-01

Open sale after voucher phase:

  • 2024-11-12, Tuesday, 20:00 (CET)
  • 2024-11-17, Sunday, 16:00 (CET)
  • 2024-11-23, Saturday, 11:00 (CET)

1. Status

  • We have received the vouchers from the CCC and we have ordered 32 tickets.
  • We've reached the end of the list 🎉 but you can still participate.
  • The ticket PDFs have not yet been received from the CCC.
  • The ticket PDFs have not yet been emailed to participants.

A log of datetimes, because everyone's asking when things will happen. We don't know, we haven't figured out the logic yet.

(Times intentionally obfuscated.)

  • 2024-10-22 23:xx - vouchers received (first)
  • 2024-10-23 00:xx - order placed
  • 2024-10-23 05:xx - payment confirmed by CCC
  • 2024-10-24 02:xx - vouchers received (replicated)
  • 2024-10-24 08:xx - order placed
  • 2024-10-24 17:xx - payment confirmed by CCC
  • 2024-10-25 22:xx - vouchers received (replicated)
  • 2024-10-25 23:xx - order placed
  • 2024-10-26 - nothing (Saturday)
  • 2024-10-27 - nothing (Sunday)
  • 2024-10-28 01:xx - payment confirmed by CCC
  • 2024-10-28 22:xx - vouchers received (replicated)
  • 2024-10-28 22:xx - order placed
  • 2024-10-29 01:xx - payment confirmed by CCC
  • 2024-10-30 22:xx - vouchers received (replicated)
  • 2024-10-30 22:xx - order placed
  • 2024-10-31 01:xx - payment confirmed by CCC
  • 2024-10-31 22:xx - vouchers received (replicated)
  • 2024-10-31 23:xx - order placed
  • 2024-11-01 01:xx - payment confirmed by CCC

2. Tickets

To buy a ticket through RevSpace,

  1. Append your entry to the appropriate table below. One row per ticket. "+1" etc. will be removed, because the voucher workflow can't accommodate that. Add your +1 to the "Friends" table instead; again, one row per ticket.
    • Keep the "Money received" and "Ticket ordered" columns to "No". A RevSpace board member will update these.
  2. Pay the exact and correct amount to NL18ABNA0887700780 of Revelation Space, with your nickname and the text "38c3 ticket" in the description field.
    • If the amount is not enough, we will not order your ticket. If it is too much, we will keep the rest as a donation.
    • Note: this is a different account than for your monthly contribution, and it is also completely unrelated to RevBank.
    • If you find out that you made a mistake, like if you forgot your name in the description, please contact board@revspace.nl
  3. We will try to buy a ticket on your behalf on the 38C3 ticket site, pay the money to the CCC IBAN, and wait for the next round of vouchers.
  4. First come, first served, but only if you have added your entry to the table AND paid the exact and correct amount.
  5. RevSpace participants get precedence over friends, one ticket per participant.
  6. If a participants has many friends who want tickets, we will arbitrarily give priority to other participants to keep things somewhat fair :)
  7. After the tickets are distributed by the CCC (shortly before the event), we will send it to your email address known to us.
  8. If we couldn't buy your ticket during the voucher phase, we will return the money to the same IBAN it came from. Don't cancel your bank account during these weeks :)

2.1. Revspace Participants

Name Ticket type (Regular, Supporter, CCC member) Money received Ticket ordered Mode de transport
Eloy Regular Yes Yes Undecided
Jelle Regular Yes Yes Train
Shiz Regular Yes Yes Undecided
chris_ty Regular Yes Yes Undecided
Wheeze_NL Regular Yes Yes Undecided
qguv Regular Yes Yes Carpool, otherwise train
Zawadi Regular Yes Yes Car
cmpxchg Regular Yes Yes Car
Hawox Regular Yes Yes Undecided
Bas Regular Yes Yes Train+Bike
FK Regular Yes Yes Car
CH23 Regular Yes YES unknown
Peetz0r Regular Yes Yes unknown

2.2. Friends

Same procedure as for participants, but note: we will send your ticket to the RevSpace participant so only use this if you trust us (to buy your ticket) and them (to forward your ticket to you).

Name Friend of Ticket type (Regular, Supporter, CCC member) Money received Ticket ordered Mode de transport
Spookje Wheeze_NL Regular Yes Yes Undecided
pim1 Zawadi Supporter 235 Yes Yes Car
pim Zawadi Regular Yes Yes Car
jja2000 Eloy/Hawox Regular Yes Yes Undecided
xyz Shiz Regular Yes Yes Undecided
jdek Shiz Regular Yes Yes Undecided
Luc Zawadi Regular Yes Yes Car
Wessel Zawadi Regular Yes Yes Car
Kevin Eloy Supporter 200 Yes Yes Train
Rens Eloy Supporter 200 Yes Yes Train
Martijn Eloy Regular Yes Yes Undecided
Tim Eloy Regular Yes Yes Undecided
Auke Eloy Regular Yes Yes Undecided
Quwe Eloy Regular Yes Yes Undecided
Piiindakaas Boekenwuurm Supporter 200 Yes Yes Carpool
Piiindakaas's +1 Boekenwuurm Supporter 200 Yes Yes Carpool
entailment qguv Regular No No Carpool, otherwise train
Sciuro Wheeze_NL Regular Yes Yes Undecided
Yaiqsa Wheeze_NL Regular Yes Yes Undecided
Willy cmpxchg Regular Yes Yes Undecided
notkmhn Eloy Regular No No Undecided

2.3. Tickets for sale

3. Carpool

3.1. Seats available

Name Capacity (seats) Capacity (luggage) Fuel type Fuel economy Costs Destination Parking Arrival Leave Other
Piiindakaas 1 suitcase ? ? Hamburg ? Yes 27 dec 30 dec
You? # # # # # # Somewhere in Hamburg.. ? dec ? dec/jan #

3.2. Seats needed

Name Luggage requirements Driving license Desired arrival Desired leave
qguv 1 suitcase, maybe another with audio equipment Yes 27 dec or earlier 30 dec or later
entailment Likely nothing more than a backpack & trolley bag No 27 dec 30 or 31 dec

3.3. Seats taken

Name Seats

4. Procedure

For board members, but public because there's no reason to keep it secret and it's useful to have everything in one place.

  1. Wiki-wijzigingen van de afgelopen dag bekijken en fouten verbeteren. Dingen om op te letten: nieuwe inschrijvingen alleen onderaan de tabel, deelnemers moeten de boolean kolommen niet wijzigen, extra instructies zoals "+1" etc verwijderen.
  2. Betalingen van de afgelopen dag bekijken, en op de wiki de bijbehorende "Money received" op "Yes" zetten als het bedrag klopt.
  3. Per voucher 1 ticket bestellen: eerst deelnemers, dan vrienden. Let op het soort ticket.
    • Je kunt meerdere vouchers in 1 bestelling gebruiken, maar je moet steeds eerst een vouchercode opgeven, en dan kun je 1 ticket kiezen, daarna de volgende vouchercode, en weer 1 ticket, etc.
  4. Per bestelde ticket de bijbehorende kolom op "Yes" zetten en het totaal aantal tickets onder "Status" updaten.
  5. Bij het bestellen, board@revspace.nl opgeven als adres, ook als adres waar de volgende voucher naartoe moet. Spelling controleren, bij fout mailadres raakt de voucher kwijt!