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Project EspNowSkip
Music skip button based on ESP-Now protocol
Status Initializing
Contact bertrik, jelly
Last Update 2018-05-06


This page is about using the ESP8266/ESP32 ESP-Now protocol in the music skip button.

A music skip button has some tricky requirements:

  • you want it to react reasonably quickly, with little latency between pressing the button and skipping to the next song
  • the skip button should be mobile, so it is battery powered and has to conserve power

The ESP-Now protocol is connectionless, you don't need to set up a session/get an ip-address to communicate between nodes.


The hardware is based on ESP8266, in particular a Wemos D1 mini board, they are cheap and ubiquitous and feature the special ESP-Now mode. A Wemos D1 mini board has an onboard regulator with typically much lower quiescent current than the similar NodeMCU.

The skip button is wired such that the actual physical button just resets the ESP8266. This means the physical button connects the RST pin to GND.

The receiver/master is connected to a raspberry pi or similar, with the EspNowSkip receiving packets from the air and sending them over serial to the raspberry pi.

Battery life

Suppose we power the entire circuit with a 18650 battery of 2000mAh capacity.

The deep sleep current of the Wemos D1 mini has been measured at about 0.16 mA. So in deep-sleep, the battery should last > 10000 hours. Suppose a skip takes 5 seconds consuming a current of 100 mA on average. That's about 0.14 mAh per skip, so the battery should last > 10000 skips.


Source code

Source code can be found here

Proposed EspNowSkip protocol

It could work something like this:

  • there are two roles:
    • a single central "master" node
    • one or more "slave" skip-buttons
  • when the skip button is pressed, the ESP8266 resets and starts running, reads the last known ESP-Now channel and MAC address from EEPROM and sends the ESP-Now "SKIP" message
    • if the skip button doesn't receive an ACK from the central node, it starts a kind of discovery to re-establish the channel and MAC address of the central node
  • the central node sets up an AP by name (e.g. "espnow-revspace")
  • the discovery procedure tries to find the central node by name, this AP name is the only thing that needs to be agreed upon in advance between master and slave code
    • with the AP name, the slave node can do an SSID scan to determine the wifi channel and MAC address of the central node
    • the slave node keeps both wifi channel and MAC address in (emulated) EEPROM and goes back to sleep
