35C3 Tickets

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Revision as of 21:37, 22 October 2018 by FooBar (talk | contribs)
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Project 35C3 Tickets
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Status Initializing
Contact Foobar
Last Update 2018-10-22

Vouchers for RevSpace participants

To streamline the procedure for this year, and make sure we can get our tickets when the voucher phase starts, please follow the procedure below:

  • Sign up on the list below, specifying which kind of ticket you want (140, 160, 270, 120 euro, other, see: https://tickets.events.ccc.de/35c3/ )
  • Deposit cash or transfer money to your revspace revbank account (or make sure there is enough in there)
  • Revspace will buy the tickets
  • First come, first serve. RevSpace participants first, friends after the first two weeks.


Revspace Participants

Name in revbank Ticket type (Budget, regular, supporter, CCC member) Deposited to revbank Ticket ordered Mode de transport
Sebastius Regular paid yes, received
FooBar Regular paid yes, received car
Juerd CCC member paid yes, received
Jelle Regular paid yes, received
joepie91 Regular paid yes, received 35C3 bus or train
merethan Supporter paid yes, received 35C3 bus or carpooling
Kinroy Regular yes yes, received 35C3 bus or train or car
bwb Supporter yes yes, received probably train
Deurknop Regular yes yes, received train or carpool (anyone driving 26/31?)
Okkie Budget yes yes, received 35C3 bus of fiets (en trein)
minicom Budget yes yes, received car
h3x4d3c1m4l Regular yes received car
Kamitor Regular yes received 35C3 bus or with car


Name in revbank Ticket type (Budget, regular, supporter, CCC member) Deposited to revbank Ticket ordered
Zawadi (voor een vriend) 3x regular yes received
h3x4d3c1m4l (voor vriendengroep) 5x Regular yes received
CyBr (via Kinroy Revbank acount) Regular yes received
h3x4d3c1m4l (voor vriendengroep) 4x Budget yes received
Pietdv 1x Regular, 4x Business 470 yes received
dexter (via bwb) Regular not yet no
Mend0x (via Peetz0r) Regular yes no
OkZ0r + 1 2x Budget not yet no
elanthia Regular not yet no
Pietdv (for a friend) 2x Regular not yet no
rowan8k+1 1x regular, 1x Up-and-coming Ticket Yes
? Regular not yet no


Sebastius is planning a bus-rental ... see 35c3bus

People going by car and offering space:

  1. Someone